
   We have made history in manufacturing alongside the ever-changing generation.


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Updated our product introduction page!


Seeking Unlimited Growth

Founded for over 70 years. As our compmany slogan "Seeking Unlimited growth".
Our assembly department has been developing business in the manufacturing sector that processes and produces
machine parts for various machines/special machines. We assemble, wire and adjusts operations of injection molding machines.





The manufacturing department performs metal processing such as casting, from among other things and has the capability to process relatively large shapes and sizes. it has the ability to deal with many types of products as well as small volume production. Parts processing, secondary machining, grinding etc, we aim to cover a range of 1/1000 or less.



In the assembly department, we consistently accept all processes, from small to medium size and industrial machinery for each specialized machine, assembly, wiring and operation adjustment using precise production technology backed by our expertise of 80 years.


Thread Cutting Die

Our company's die is a part of the machine that creates the uneven part of a screw. Various roll dies are still widely available both locally and abroad. Dies are highly evaluated for their superior performance and quality, and by this technology they can be rolled without shaving materials to produce screws. It is the main strength of our Dies that it can produce screws that are much stronger than the screws produced by cutting. Our company has been the official roll dice manufacturer of Tsugami Corporation.



We are engaged not only in technology but also in environmental consideration. We also produce oil from waste plastic materials through a waste plastics lubricating and reducing machine. In addition, we will produce a new resource circulation by technology such as a low temperature thermal decomposition machine. Design and development of such a device is done by International Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.

Our company is a Resilience-Certified company

The Resilience Certification was issued from the Cabinet Secretariat of the National Territorial Tolerance Office by the "General Responsibility Japan Promotion Council", which received confirmation that it conforms to the requirements of the certification organization stipulated in the Guidelines on Certification of National Land Tolerance Contributing Organizations, It is to do as "toughening contribution organization group certification" based on guidelines.